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Thank you messages for Mom

Thank You Messages for Mom: For most mothers, sons and daughters, Mother’s Day is a one day affair after which all the love fizzles out when the daily humdrum of life takes over. Don’t let this happen to your sweet bond with your mom. Pick a random day and surprise her with a cute note. Whether it is with touching quotes that make her happy from within or funny one-liners that make her smile – say Thank You and show gratitude for all the sacrifices she has made for you. Unlike Mother’s Day, you don’t need to glam out with fancy greeting cards. Simple stuff like texts, Facebook posts, pins on Pinterest or even short tweets are all it takes to light up her day. For everything she has done for you, little things like these are the least you can do to start giving back.

Thank you messages for Mom

1) Mom, as I grow up I am realizing that I fought with you so much. Even when, all you wanted was for me to win the fight with the demons inside my head. I love you.

2) Mom, all these years I kept asking and you kept giving. Now I think it’s time I started giving back and it all begins with two simple words – Thank You.

3) All this while I was complaining about having nothing, when in a mom like you, I had everything I could ever ask for. Thanks ma.

4) The World’s Best Mother is a book that ought to be written by its most qualified author – YOU. Thanks for everything mom.

5) If all the armies in the world were commanded by mothers like you, they would all be trained in decimating the enemy’s hate with adorable smiles and warm hugs. Thanks for everything mom.

Thank you mom mothers day greeting card message

6) Mom, I promise to live a life that will do justice to all the sacrifices you’ve made.

7) Metaphorically you are the programmer who has originally coded and constantly improved the operating system of my life. Thanks mom.

8) You gave up the most important things in your life so that I could take on the most important things in mine. Mom, thanks for all the sacrifices you have made.

9) Best friends come and go, boyfriends and girlfriends love and move on, bosses hire and fire but the only person present through it all is a mother. Thanks for always being there for me.

10) The only person who has stood by me through all life’s storms and bad weather, is none other than my amazing mother. Thanks ma.


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